The Annual Junk Art Show will be held at the Brownsville Center in August and September.  Now is the time to pull out your treasured junk and begin transforming it into some unique pieces of art.  The show is open to the community including children.

If you need some inspiration, search Pintrest and YouTube for “junk art” and prepare to be dazzled by what you find.  Art pieces can include jewelry, collages, furniture, garden items, creative doors and windows, mobiles, toys, signs and anything else your imagination comes up with.

Criteria are using things you would otherwise throw away and turn it into something different from its original use.  This show can get your creative juices flowing.  Items will be for sale during the show.  We will be accepting your artwork the last week in July.  Three items per artist. Registration forms with detailed information will be available at the Art Center in June. The Art Center is open Wednesday 1:30-5:00, Thursday – Saturday 10:00-5:00.