A Solid Start in Watercolor II – Mar 22


A Solid Start in Watercolor II

with Alice Tetamore

prerequisite Watercolor I

Saturdays, March 22, 29 and April 5, 12, and 19, 2025, 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Age 18 and older | Limited to 8 students | $60 

Overview: Five three-hour sessions in watercolor. This is the second series designed especially for participants of the first series, Watercolor I. 

Recommended Supplies Student Bring: ½” thick foam core board 20 x 30″ used for stapling your paper to as a firm base for stretching the watercolor paper and support for painting. Brushes: Round #10 and # 6, and a 1″ flat brush. A paint palette and Cotman student-grade watercolors: cadmium yellow, lemon yellow, cobalt blue, ultramarine, alizarin, cadmium red, black, burnt sienna, and burnt umber. A kneadable eraser, transfer paper, and a rag. Also, you will need a small bottle of masking fluid, Pedeo Drawing Gum, and a used brush about size 6 for masking. OR, bring your own watercolor equipment and materials.

Supplies Provided: 140 lb. Arches cold press will be provided for class paintings. Paper towels, water containers, painter’s tape, and pencils are available to borrow at the art center for class use.

 Registration Form