A Solid Start in Watercolor II
with Alice Tetamore
prerequisite Watercolor I
Saturdays, March 22, 29 and April 5, 12, and 19, 2025, 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Age 18 and older | Limited to 8 students | $60
Overview: Five three-hour sessions in watercolor. This is the second series designed especially for participants of the first series, Watercolor I.
Recommended Supplies Student Bring: ½” thick foam core board 20 x 30″ used for stapling your paper to as a firm base for stretching the watercolor paper and support for painting. Brushes: Round #10 and # 6, and a 1″ flat brush. A paint palette and Cotman student-grade watercolors: cadmium yellow, lemon yellow, cobalt blue, ultramarine, alizarin, cadmium red, black, burnt sienna, and burnt umber. A kneadable eraser, transfer paper, and a rag. Also, you will need a small bottle of masking fluid, Pedeo Drawing Gum, and a used brush about size 6 for masking. OR, bring your own watercolor equipment and materials.
Supplies Provided: 140 lb. Arches cold press will be provided for class paintings. Paper towels, water containers, painter’s tape, and pencils are available to borrow at the art center for class use.